By Vignesh on 05:39
Filed Under: 2009, annual, day, kalaifiesta, kalaimagal, royapuram, s.vignesh, sports, viddyalaya, Vignesh
Use Tea for More Than Just Drinking
We all love a great cup of tea…so relaxing. After your cup of tea you are left with an old tea bag or tea leaves. I hate to just throw things away without at least one more use. Here are some uses for your old tea and tea bags.
1. Step 1
Tea is a great way to relieve the pain of sunburn, mild burns and razor burn. Make a paste of brewed tea and baking soda to relieve the pain. The tannic acid in tea will soothe the burn.
2. Step 2
Used, cooled, tea bags take away eye puffiness. Place damp tea bags on your eyes and the swelling will go down. This also soothes the pain of styes and pink eye. (Always have medical treatment)
3. Step 3
To remove foot odor: Tea eliminates smelly feet. Soak your feet in tea every day for 15 to 30 minutes.
4. Step 4
Use Tea to take the itch out of poison ivy. If you are unfortunate enough to get poison ivy, soak cotton or gauze in tea and wipe down the rash. The tea will take the itch out and help dry the poison ivy.
5. Step 5
Use Tea to help your hair look healthy. Rinsing your hair with weak tea will make it nice and shiny.
6. Step 7
Use Tea to marinate meat. Black tea makes a great meat tenderizer. Marinate meat in 2 cups of black tea and ½ cup of brown sugar.
8. Step 8
use Tea to clean. Tea works great on wood furniture. If you have a wax build up on your furniture, dip a soft cloth in tea, wipe your furniture, follow up with a clean, soft cloth.
9. Step 9
Use Tea as a dye. Dye curtains, lace and other fabric in tea to give it an antique look.
10. Step 10
Use tea in your garden. Roses love tea. After you are finished with your tea bags or loose tea, sprinkle the tea leaves around the base of your rose bush. Roses thrive on the tannic acid in tea.
11. Step 11
Use tea for pain relief. Injection site pain. If you’ve ever gotten a flu shot or other vaccine, you know it’s painful. Place a damp tea bag on the site of the injection and the tea will take the edge off the pain.
12. Step 12
Use tea as a quick first aid. Tea will dry out blisters. If you’ve ever worn shoes that gave you blisters, you know how uncomfortable the blisters are. Next time take a damp tea bag to the blister for 30 minutes, repeat until the blister dries out.
13. Step 13
Use to to ease pain. Tea will take the pain out of canker sores and cold sores. Place a warm, wet tea bag on the sore to dry out and alleviate the pain.
14. Step 14
Use Tea around the house. Tea is a great refrigerator deodorizer. Place your old tea bags and loose leaves in an open jar in the refrigerator to remove odors.
15. Step 15
Use Tea for skin care. Tea dries out acne. Wash your face with tea to dry out the outbreaks.
16. Step 16
Apply tea to instect bites. Calm the pain of bee and wasp stings. If you are stung, place cold wet tea bags on the area.
17. Step 17
Use Tea to deodorize. Tea will remove the smell of fish, onions and garlic from your hands. Wash your hands with tea to eliminate the odor.
18. Step 18
Use Tea to clean. Tea will remove rust. Soak your object in a strong tea overnight. In the morning the rust will be dissolved. Your metal may turn a blue green color which is easily removed with steel wool.
19. Step 19
Use Tea to remove tough cooked on stains. Tea cleans cookware. If you have a baked on mess, put 2 or 3 tea bags in your pot or pan, let soak overnight.
20. Step 20
Use Tea to repell bugs. Tea makes a great backyard mosquito repellant. Dry out the leaves and place in a fire safe dish or small fire safe bowl, burn like incense and the mosquitoes will stay away.
21. Step 21
Use Tea in your bath for soft skin. Place tea in a small fabric bag or just drop tea bags into your bath water. The tannic acid in tea makes skin soft.
22. Step 22
Use Tea to stain furniture. Tea can be used as a natural wood dye. Depending on the color you want to achieve, place tea bags in hot water to steep, use a clean soft cloth to wipe tea onto the wood surface and let sit. Repeat until you have you desired color. Different types of tea result in different dye colors, so experiment until you find what you like.
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